Great Companies In These Difficult Times.

We hear it every day; markets are demanding. They are brutal. Unfortunately, today's equity markets are tough on our Investment Advisors, especially their support teams. 

The companies below have one thing in common, they are working hard to provide future value. Peterson Capital’s clients work hard every day to reach this success. Here are a few that you should look at.  


Tectonic Metals (TSX.V-TECT)

Tony Reda, CEO of Tectonic recently met with a Senior Investment Advisor, who manages a very large book heavily weighted in resources, and he asked Tony his thoughts on the market and where it is going.  Tony replied, “I do not want to be flippant or inconsiderate, but my thoughts are ‘whatever’.

Tony went on to explain “there is so much noise out there right now coupled with an insane amount of fear and worry that it can be stressful, frustrating, overpowering, debilitating, and paralyzing. Things make sense, they don’t make sense, everyone has an opinion, a ton of yapping, and no clear, slam dunk, way out of there.  There is going to be pain, suffering and loss for many.  Period.  Sad but true.” Gold is your pillow ”.  In addition to gold, we are now recognizing the importance and need for homegrown resources, from battery metals to gold, and just how much of a supply gap we are facing.”  

“As the CEO of Tectonic, I am focussing on things I can control, and that is deploying the capital we recently raised to make every dollar count.  We recently launched a drill program, which will be followed by a metallurgical program and an exploration program, all designed to create value for our shareholders in a BIG way.”

“We are also looking for other ways to create value.  You never know where the next opportunity lies, bottom line, we are not sitting on our hands waiting for a better day.”

“As an investor, I am shifting even more back to “value investing”.  If you are looking for value, now is the time.  Valuations are a fraction of where they were a few months ago and even more so a year ago while the fundamentals behind many companies are the exact same.” To learn more about Tectonic Metals Click HERE


North Arrow Minerals (TSX.V-NAR)

North Arrow has been working in Northern Canada and has recently completed work on the Naujaat Diamond Project (Nunuvat) bulk sample. The Naujaat project promises to replace mines that are coming to a close, such as the Diavik and the Argyle. 

In the bulk sample, North Arrow recovered three diamonds weighing 3.31cts, 3.07cts, and 2,76cts. In comparison, 48 diamonds were classified as potentially high-value stones, with 91% of the fancy diamonds being orange in colour and considered among some of the rarest colours. 

Ken Armstrong, CEO of North Arrow, said, "we are working hard to replace what is being closed down today, and well on our way to accomplishing this task." 

Key shareholders of North Arrow are Ross Beatty, Electrum, and Lundin with 9% while insiders hold 26%. 

Diamond resources need to be secured today to provide for tomorrow both industrially and the fingers of those we love.
To learn more about North Arrow Minerals, click HERE   


­­­Kootenay Silver (TSX.V-KTN)

Kootenay Silver has significant leverage on the silver price with high growth potential through its drill program in Mexico. Kootenay's aggressive 2022 dual-rig 15,000-meter core drill program focuses on a step-out drilling program with impressive high-grade results. 

In speaking with Jim McDonald, President and CEO, he noted Kootenay Silver has excellent leverage to the silver price. At The Mexico Mining Forum, Jim was quoted as saying, "There is an excellent leverage to silver, and as Columba is a high drill discovery, we can guarantee a probability of investment." 

When asked about the silver market, Jim noted the recent silver price breakdown is disappointing; however, he believes this is a function of the risk-off attitude in the market following large pullbacks on the big boards.

Key shareholders of Kootenay Silver include Eric Sprott and Condire, each holding 9%, and Institutions with 30%.

Kootenay Silver’s drill program remains on track.  To learn more about Kootenay Silver, Click HERE


Lucara Diamonds (TSX.LUC)  

Lucara is well known for the unique stones contributing to its revenue stream. One of the best-known examples was reported this morning in, reporting on the collaboration between the companies who exhibited one of Lucara's largest stones at the Basel World Exhibitions. Click HERE to read about the story and its journey to Van Cleef Arpel. 

Lucara has been very active having extended its mine life to 2040 by adding $4 billion in additional net revenue and is fully financed. Its revenue is derived by 67% from polished stones and 10% from its Clara platform, a proprietary digital marketplace for rough diamonds, while 23% is derived from tenders (auctions). Lucara is a very interesting company that has stood the test of time. Learn more about this exciting company Click HERE

­­­Thank you for your continued interest and support.  

Rick Peterson



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Great Advice for “Yucky Markets”.