Lessons from the Canada Growth Conference.

Last week we completed our inaugural  Canada Growth Conference, held in the south of France from September 22-24th. 

 By every single metric, this conference was an enormous success. Over the next few weeks we’ll be offering you insights into the presentations and what our 30 European fund managers and family offices thought of our event. 

We also invited along three members of the Echelon Wealth Partners team: CEO David Cusson; Managing Director of Institutional Sales, Simon Akit; and Managing Director of Investment Banking (Healthcare and Special Situations) Beng Lai. These three gentlemen really helped us at the conference, offering insight for our European network members on the ten companies we invited, and highlighting what Canadian institutions would are looking for in growth stories like ours. 

Here’s what Dave Cusson had to say about our conference: “Congratulations on your inaugural Canada Growth Conference, what a location and what a success! We are so pleased to have attended this event.  We’ve heard consistent, strong, and positive feedback from issuers and managers alike on their experiences here.  Numerous times issuers said, in different ways, “Peterson Capital is different”.  You continue to build something special and differentiated.”

Here’s a link to what I saw at the conference that was so very rewarding Click Here :

Look forward to sharing more with you in the weeks ahead.

Rick Peterson


Peterson Capital


You Should Know What We Find Newsworthy!


The Canada Growth Conference has arrived.