Bill 96 and Your Business

If you've not seen it, I thought "You Should Know" that the Quebec government passed a very significant piece of legislation on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. This legislation will affect all of us in our business relationships with clients, colleagues, or companies in Quebec.

Here is a link with more details: Bill 96: Quebec French-language reform bill adopted | CTV News.

Bill 96 clearly targets anglophones, Indigenous people, and immigrants in Quebec. Police from the offices of the Quebec language can walk into the offices of any investment dealer in Quebec - without a warrant - and snoop through emails, correspondence, and all documents to assure that no English is being used. That includes emails sent to people outside of Quebec.

The Quebec government will be using the protection of the notwithstanding clause to avoid a challenge to what is clearly a violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This is bad for Canada. It's bad for Quebec. It's bad for business - and anyone doing business in Quebec. My phone has been ringing with calls from colleagues and clients in Quebec - francophones and anglophones alike - wanting to step up and make some noise on this. We will.

We are not going to sit on the sidelines of this battle. I assure you that Peterson Capital will be fully engaged in the battle against Bill 96.


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