Show us the MVPs on your team!

The Battle of Alberta is on!
Check out this video link below, and you’ll have no doubt which team I’m cheering for.

We all know how important your teams are. If you’re an Investment Advisor or the CEO of a public company, you’re not on the ice alone. A team backs you up, and you’re only as good as the team you have around you.

You know all about our team here at Peterson Capital. So, why not tell us a little more about your team? If you’re an IA with one or two Assistants, send us their pics, tell us why they’re so key to you and – with their permission – we’ll post their stories on our Peterson Capital LinkedIn page.

And for the CEOs reading this, why don’t you send us a pic of some of your team members who may not always be in the public eye. Tell us why they are so key to your effort and what they’re doing to improve you. Again, with their permission, we’ll post them on our website and our LinkedIn page.

Who are your MVPs? We’d like to know. Thanks for helping shine the light on the key team players working with you.

During these turbulent markets the Peterson team has showcased Electra Battery Materials (TSX-V ELBM), Freehold Royalties (TSX-FRU), H2O Innovation (TSX- HEO) and Tectonic (TSX-V-TECT)  in Vancouver, Toronto, Saint John, Halifax, Paris, and Madrid with great success. To learn more about the Peterson team and how we can present your story to help you gain a positive reaction and traction in the capital markets, contact us at


Bill 96 and Your Business


Our message to IAs and public company clients during turbulent markets.