Bud Light, Rainbows and Tape
June is Pride Month, as we all know, and below are three things You Should Know about how we’re going to celebrate it at Peterson Capital.
We’re going to be holding a special 45-minute Zoom call on Friday at 1:00 pm Mountain and we hope you can join us: here’s the link:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85680807702?pwd=VElPTXJGUkhZbGpVa0RSblY3dEpFUT09
Meeting ID: 856 8080 7702
Passcode: 212030
Here’s what we’ll be covering in the call:
1. Corporate push-back against 2SLGBTQ+ communities: We’ve invited our good friend Dr. Kristopher Wells from MacEwan University here in Edmonton to join us on the call to address several key issues surrounding Pride this month. With the global backlash against 2SLGBTQ+ communities intensifying, corporations like Bud Light and Target succumbed to social media pressure and scaled back their pride promotions, while others like Disney, Apple, The North Face, Body Shop, and Lego have stood as steadfast allies of the 2SLGBTQ+ groups. What does this all mean? What do corporations do when pride meets protest? Has the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion movement gone too far?
2. Pronouns and your bottom line: Over the past year or so I’ve been signing my emails and my Zoom thumbnail with my He/him pronouns. I’ve had comments and questions and more than a few eye rolls from people over that. Is this virtue signalling - “Rainbow Washing” - or does it mean anything to the outside world? On our Zoom call Friday, Kris and I will discuss the use of pronouns in a corporate culture, what signals that gives, and what it can mean to a businesses bottom line. I’ll share my experiences and feedback and the reasons why I’m doing it, and will continue.
3. Pride Tape - Kris and I will talk about a wonderful, Edmonton-born initiative that Peterson Capital has supported in various ways over the past 18 months - Pride Tape | Sports Tape that promotes Equality and Inclusion through sport. We will be happy to send a roll of Pride Tape out to anyone who joins our call on Friday and requests a roll be sent to them.
Hope you can join us on Friday at 1:00 pm MST.
Thank you so much for your continued support and interest.
Rick Peterson (He/him)