Happy New Year! Here’s to a great 2022 for you, for your family and for your clients.

I thought You Should Know that on Monday I announced the appointment of a next-generation executive team to lead Peterson Capital’s daily operations.

These three have already been a huge part of our explosive growth and are stepping into these leadership roles knowing exactly how to fulfill the potential we all feel our platform offers here in Canada and in Europe.

They are:
Jennifer Langford – Chief Executive Officer
Greg Stumph – President & COO
Adam Woodward – Head – Client Engagement & Private Equity Advisory

Appointing Jennifer as our first female CEO supports our forward-thinking vision of bringing more women into the boardroom and top leadership positions in the financial community. She is a dynamic, Vancouver-based capital markets professional with more than a decade of hands-on management experience with various award-winning management teams, leading and helping finance public and private companies in a wide variety of sectors.

Based out of Edmonton, Greg is an outstanding young business manager with superb analytical and operating skills who is able to support an extremely fast-growing platform. I know a lot of you have reached out to me remarking on our rapid growth, especially last year. There’s no doubt that much of the success of keeping everything smooth and running is thanks to Greg. We wouldn’t be here without him.

Adam has enormous team-building and networking skills as well as a strong understanding of all aspects of private and public equity markets. He joined our platform last spring in Calgary and immediately ramped up our network of VPs, helped introduce roll out private equity platform, and has been a tireless advocate for our platform as well as for the causes we support in the community, including Pride Tape.

Now for the best part: I will be stepping into the role of Chair of Peterson Capital, and will be focussing on three areas:

  • Calling and catching up again with so very many of you on a personal basis.

  • Working closely with our CEOs and their teams as we expand our offerings, especially on the Corporate Communications and Executive Search platform

  • Helping Amie Lauder, our Sr. VP in Paris, quickly ramp up our platform in Europe. I plan to spend a good part of the next six months in Europe, once it’s safe to travel again, and help Amie as we plan our first Peterson Capital European Investment Conference in Nice, France, next September. Stay tuned.

Thanks so much for your continued support and interest. We’re deeply grateful for it and looking forward to continue working with you in the months and years ahead.


Three Key Catalysts; Two Smiles; One New Team Member
