Peterson Capital Europe Platform Expands

We have some very important developments at Peterson Capital that we thought You Should Know about.

Our Team in Europe: Last week, Amie Lauder, who opened an office for us in France in December of last year, hosted a week in Europe accompanied by our Chair, Rick Peterson. Since then she has brought into the fold two more members of her Europe-based team: Nicole Loghin – who was formerly based with us in Toronto - and Mathieu Giusti, a native of Aix-en-Provence. You can find bios of all our team members here.

In these past four months, Amie has established a powerful European platform for us,  launched an investment conference in the south of France for next September, and has begun to bring around our Canadian public company clients to meet a network of European funds and family offices. Bottom line is this: we now have a strong, growing and powerful platform that will allow our public and private company clients to have access to European funds and family offices. No other Canadian investment dealer or platform offers the same exposure to European capital markets as our team does.

Our Partner in Europe: We are thrilled to announce that Peterson Capital has established a formal partnership with Robert Seguin, the managing partner of Geneva-based Westmount Capital. Robert has established a deep and powerful network of capital markets relationships in Europe for the past 20 or more years. In working with him, our Peterson Capital team in Europe will be able to introduce our public company clients to qualified, interested and motivated European investors who have participated in the Canadian public markets with Robert over the years.

This relationship is already paying dividends for our clients. Sean Krakiwsky, CEO of Nanalysis Scientific, and Jesse Douglas, CEO of Green Impact Partners, have already held meetings with some of the network that Robert and Amie have developed in Europe. The Peterson Capital team joined Jesse on three GIP presentations to our network in Geneva, Zurich and Milan. Here’s what he had to say about his experience: 

­ “The Peterson Capital team scheduled some of the most impactful retail meetings we have had since being public. Each day we got feedback both from his team and from the investors to improve our messaging and communication. With this, they not only worked with our presentation but their own. It seemed this dynamic team is looking for all-win investments where they have selected companies and investors to work together that have similar interests and timelines. I was truly impressed by the work they did and can’t imagine not doing it again if invited.”

Our new Executive Assistant:  Last but certainly not least, we’re pleased to introduce you to Sarah Osagie, who will be working directly with Rick Peterson as his Executive Assistant. 

Sarah’s based in Edmonton, Alberta, has worked for the past four years as a founder, owner-operator of commercial and non-profit platforms, and is a graduate of Mount Royal University in Calgary with a Bachelors degree in General Management.


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