Blue Sky Visible Through The Fog of War

There a huge bear market out there in small cap world outside of energy and commodities. That’s a given – we all know that.

War in Ukraine. Rising commodity prices. Interest rate hikes. The  market’s “wall of worry” looking steep, high and ugly.

We’re seeing this every day, just like you are. But here’s something we’re seeing, and hearing, that you might not know. We’ve never heard the CEOs of our small cap companies being more bullish about their business operations.

Beyond the fog of war they see blue sky.

Here are five companies that we’re working with right now, and their CEOs, that fall into this category. Each of them has essentially the same “roll-up”  business model: acquire attractive assets, integrate them into a platform; increase operational efficiency, and produce higher revenue/EBITDA/profits. Market valuations will reflect that, inevitably, when the smoke and noise in the markets eventually settles.

Here’s a quick look at these six:

  • Converge Technology Solutions CEO Shaun Maine is rolling up hybrid IT platforms across North American and aggressively expanding into Europe. His company is the clear market leader in this space.

  • Emerge Commerce  CEO Ghassan Halazon is rolling up niche ecommerce platforms in the B2C and B2B space. Huge momentum and explosive revenue growth across the board.

  • Green Impact Partners CEO Jesse Douglas is rolling up renewable natural gas platforms across North America with a strong US footprint. Huge analyst and dealer support across the board for this story.

  • NowVertical Group CEO Daren Trousdell is rolling up big-data solution providers on a global scale. Already a huge list of blue-chip corporate and leading government clients.

  • Pathfinder Ventures CEO Joe Bleackley is rolling up RV campground and storage facilities across Canada. Huge first-mover advantage in a market that is booming in the US

What’s a common theme with these CEOs? They all experienced and professional M&A specialists. Former investment bankers; venture capital growth leaders; operational experts who know how to build businesses, attract strong people, and hit ambitious target.

Why should you be looking at these stories now and having a chat with these CEOs?

  1. All of them are hitting key business milestones and catalysts on time or in advance.

  2. They all know that their market valuations are brutal and despite the strength of the underlying business.

  3. Every single one of them says they’ve never seen a more attractive pipeline of assets – at hugely attractive valuations.

Reach out to one of our VPs and set up a 20-minute chat with any of these CEOs. They’ll show you where they see blue sky, and how they aim to get there


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