Ukraine, Spain, Montreal and Zoom Screens

This has been an eventful week for our team members across Canada and into Europe. Here are three highlights we thought You Should Know about:

Ukraine:Our amazing Sr. VP, Nicole Loghin (pictured below), who has been supporting our platform in Canada as well as helping our expansion into Europe from her family home in Mallorca, Spain, is stepping up and directly supporting the Ukrainian community by helping on the front lines and ensuring the safe passage for some of these affected families. We couldn’t be prouder of her as we believe that good business extends beyond our Peterson Capital computers and emails and helping in our various communities is a key element of that. This is leadership.

Montreal: Quick heads up that our very own Alexis de la Renaudière will be hosting a luncheon in Montreal at Bar George on Thursday, March 17th that you will not want to miss. In fact, our Chair, Rick Peterson, and CEO, Jennifer Langford, will be in attendance to meet our IA supporters. 

Alexis will be hosting two of our most dynamic and compelling CEO storytellers to hear their insights into how they are both are growing their respective platforms organically and through a strong M&A pipeline. This could be billed as an M&A Masterclass by to formidable negotiators.

  • ­Ghassan Halazon is a former New York-based investment banker with more than a decade of experience as an e-commerce entrepreneur. He’s the Founder and CEO of EMERGE (ECOM-V Mkt Cap $62 million), very aggressively acquiring a platform of category-leading, niche e-commerce brands across North America, having recently eclipsed $100M in gross merchandise sales, and doing so profitably. “If Shopify is arming the rebels – empowering the little guys – then Emerge is all about acquiring the rockstar rebels.” Here’s a CEO with a huge M&A pipeline, ambitious plans and tremendous blue sky in the fast growing niche e-commerce market. Click here for details.

  • Daren Trousdell is a serial technology and digital media entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience founding and growing companies across fintech, advertising and media. As CEO and Chair of NowVertical Group Inc. (NOW-V Mkt Cap $56.4 million), he runs a “big data” software and services company, solving big problems for large enterprises and big government entities giving them the confidence to make bold decisions. He’s in a market growing exponentially, undertaking an aggressive roll-up strategy. Like Ghassan, he has a huge M&A pipeline, ambitious plans and tremendous blue sky in a huge vertical. Click here for details.

Zoom screen backgrounds: Tired at looking at your same Zoom screen background? We were too, until this week, when Cameron Ray, our Marketing Manager, designed Zoom background for our teams highlighting view of the cities in which they are located. 

Check these out here and let us know what you think. If you’d like Cam to put something together for you, we're sure he’d be happy to. 


Blue Sky Visible Through The Fog of War


Two Disruptors, a New Canadian and George.